Sunday, December 27, 2009

Olives Australia Would I Get Lots Of RACial Slurs In Australia?Aussies Please?

Would I get lots of RACial slurs in Australia?Aussies please? - olives australia

Hello I am preparing to Australia in mid-tone skin, Greek and Italian olive, blue-eyed, just after the riots in 2005 to visit, I was just curious if I had any comments or racial slurs, thanks. (BTW, I say that Australia is a racist country) all opinions appreciated


Razaldaz... said...

If you feel at home here.We a huge Greek population has actually talk in Greek in the world a very large number of people and the troubles here are not indicative of our country so great, so is the same as so unusual For us, something to have, and the people involved are very sad that something like this happened.Welcome Australians.

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